Tuesday, August 30, 2011


When most people used to think about couponing they would think about their blue haired granny patiently clipping away and taking her coupons down to the local market to save 25c on some milk and cookies. Nowadays most people associate coupons with those CRAYZEE ladies on the tellie. Piling their carts high with a million periods worth of free Midol. Digging through the dumpster for coupons. Beating up their husbands for bargains (ok so I made that last part up) but you get the idea on TLC's "Extreme Couponing" is all about the bigger the better, the tighter the sweater.

Being the hardcore cynic that I am automatically figured out that obviously the fix was in on the show. They must set up the registers to allow all the coupons to double and to allow 63 of the same coupon. Basically stuff that will get your kicked out of your local VON's. So I didn't really think free items were possible. Maybe one or too but not many.

Oh yee of little faith.....

In the past 3 weeks I have managed to get the following free sometimes multiple of each item. All legal no shoplifting, sometimes a little coupon yoga but all above reproach. Ethics are important to me.

Dish Liquid x3
Tweezers x2
Gatorade x10
Salad Dressing x6
Pepsi x3
Allegra (free after rebate)
Clorox Wipes (free after rebate)
Hand Sanitizer
Lip Balm x4 ( 2 different brands)
Body Wash
Candy Bars x2
Bandaids x2
Eye Shadow
Eye Lash Curler
Nail Clippers x2
Nail Buffer
Toothpaste x2

I've also gotten numerous other things for AT LEAST 75% off of retail. I keep an Excel spreadsheet of every couponing transaction and am sitting at an average of 68.8% saved.

This experiment might just work out.


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