Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bring on the clowns or not.

Coloring your can sometimes be a nerve racking experience even when your in the hands of the professional. I remember crying in the salon chair as I realized that the hair dresser I had chosen was all that good. The color turned out OK but I refused to let her cut my hair.

But at least if a salon messes up your tresses you have some recourse be it a do over or a refund but when your own your own things can go very bad very quickly. Case in point. One afternoon I was applying my own highlights in the bathroom. As you do. Well I had the misfortune of splashing some dye in my eye. Going into emergency mode I immediately stuck my eye under the faucet and rinsed it for 5-10 minutes. Meanwhile the bleach I had applied to my hair was still cooking.....

When I finally came up for air my stomach started to sink the last foil I had partway applied had come loose and the bleach had leeched out to the rest of my scalp. I frantically jumped into the shower to wash it all out and assessed the damaged. Once dry it was glaringly apparent that I had a GIANT highlighter spot in the middle of my hair.

Sighing I called the salon where I usually get my hair done ( when I have a 50% off coupon of course ) and managed to get an appointment for later on that evening. They managed to fix my hair at the cost of $300 for a full set of highlights and low lights plus base to disguise my hatchet job. Don Coupon was not amused either by the cost or the fact that he spent a Saturday evening at the hair salon instead of elbow deep in a tub of popcorn at the movies. I was forbidden to dye my hair again.

Flash forward several years to last Sunday. I perused the Rite Aid flyer and they had a sale for Samy FAT FOAM hair color. It was on sale for $8.99 plus you got $5 +UP for your next purchase AND I had a coupon for $1 off so $8.99-$5+UP-$3Q= $0.99c. For 99c cents it was worth a go.

I haven't had any hair color in my hair since Thanksgiving and that was a demi-permanent so I was essentially starting with a clean slate. I chose R5 Medium Reddish Brown.

Now the first and only problem I had with this brand was NO where on the box did it state what level of hair color it was. Was it a permanent or does it wash out. I assumed from the ingredients ( ammonia+peroxide) that it was a permanent color but I really didn't quite know what I would get as I'm standing at the sink clutching the little red box that would hold fate.

Would it be a very subtle can hardly tell not worth my time even dying it red or would it be fire engine red CLOWN hair ( oh please not clown hair please not clown hair ) There is only one way to find out.

Now what is different about this hair color and what I REALLY like about it is that its a foam, y'know like mousse. Each box comes with a plastic cocktail shaker. You pour the liquid processor in and then sprinkle the peroxide color powder in. Put the lid on and shake it like a Polaroid picture for 30 seconds. What you SHOULD have is a nice thick foam like mousse. After this part its all easy breezy beautiful. Just apply the foam in the order in the directions let it cook for 30 minutes and rinse.

The foam was very easy to apply and I had less problems with dripping and dying my ear accidentally and getting dye all over the bathroom. I usually let my hair over-process a little to make sure I'm getting the full saturated color especially with red hair dye since the color molecule is bigger than other colors it tend to fade and oxidizes quicker so I prefer it to be a little darker in the beginning. Also most home hair colors tend to self exhaust meaning once they get to a certain point they won't process anymore. This is make it easier for DIYer. Obviously this is not the case when your mixing your own bleach for highlights.

The finally result is a nice deep reddish brown that "pops" a little in the sunlight. Just the way I like it. I didn't expect this. Most red dyes are not like this. They are either too subtle or have a burgundy tint. I wouldn't have expected this from the color on the box but when have I ever achieved the color on the box.

So for 99c this gets a big thumbs up from me and if your near a Rite Aid and you have the $3 off coupon I would suggest picking a box up for yourself. It's a really good hair dye for beginners.

Great hair done cheap. Clowns need not apply.


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